Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Welcome to My Little Pony Today! Now, as all we MLP fans know, season 3 of MLP has started just recently. The premiere episode was about the Crystal Empire. Stomp your hooves for the new Princess of the Crystal Ponies! It may or may not have been coincidental that her cutiemark has a crystal heart.

Anyway, new subject. Here's what I think of the human version ponies:                                                                                                                                                                       
( I got a pic of the human version ponies off Google Images and edited it)
 I mean really. The show is called My Little Pony. Not My Little Human.
And as for making Spike a human, oh come on!
That is the most ridiculest thing I've ever seen! My Little Pony Today, if we don't stop this My Little Human thing, could turn into My Little Pony Today Complaints!

On the bright side, MLP is fan oriented this season, and is going to make an episode with Derpy Hooves! Mmm........ Now I have a craving for muffins! Well, I'm off to find one. Hope you like this post!

Yours Truly,

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